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Policy Agreements for Participation

Parental Consent and Digital Signature:

I, THE MINOR'S PARENT AND/OR LEGAL GUARDIAN, UNDERSTAND THE NATURE OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED ACTIVITIES AND THE Minor's experience and capabilities and believe the minor to be qualified to participate in such activity. I hereby release, discharge, covenant not to sue and AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releasees from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages on the minor's account caused or alleged to have been caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations, and further agree that if, despite this release, I, the minor, or anyone on the minor's behalf makes a claim against any of the above Releasees, I WILL INDEMNIFY, SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releasees from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss liability, damage, or cost any RELEASE may incur as the result of any such claim. By typing your legal name in the space below you are agreeing to the above Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement and Medical Release.


Medical Release:

I hereby give consent for my child to be treated, if necessary, by a licensed physician and / or hospital for any illness or injury he/she may incur while participating at TumbleHQ LLC. I further agree that I will be responsible for all costs resulting from such medical attention. I understand that every reasonable effort will be made to contact me at the phone numbers listed on file. I, as parent or legal guardian of the minor, have knowledge and appreciation of the particulars of this class, including the risks inherent in gymnastics and athletic activity and I hereby voluntarily consent to, and assume all responsibility for, the said minor's participation at TumbleHQ LLC. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold TumbleHQ LLC and any and all agents or other persons acting on their behalf free from any and all claims, damages or liabilities, including reasonable costs of counsel and defense, asserted by third parties and arising from any actual or alleged incidents while my child is participating at TumbleHQ LLC, including any claims or damages based upon the actual or alleged negligence of TumbleHQ, its agents or any persons acting on its behalf.


Release and Assumption of Risk:

RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT") In consideration of participating at TUMBLEHQ LLC I represent that I understand the nature of this Activity and that I am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activity. I acknowledge that if I believe event conditions are unsafe, I will immediately discontinue participation in the activity. I fully understand that this Activity involves risks of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death, which may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the event takes place, or the negligence of the "releasees" named below; and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, cost, and damages I incur as a result of my participation in the Activity. I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue TUMBLEHQ LLC, its respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees, other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered one of the "RELEASEES" herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages, on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the " releasees", or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations and future agree that if, despite this release, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the releasees, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the Releasees from any loss, liability, damage, or cost, which any may incur as the result of such claim. I have read the RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature and intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.

Assurance of Health:

As a student or parent or guardian of a student, it is my option to consult a physician for assurance of proper health and have been encouraged to do so by TumbleHQ LLC.

Policies and Procedures:

To Cancel Enrollment A parent must fill out a withdrawal card one week prior to the end of the month. If a student attends classes within any given month, tuition is due for the entire month. TumbleHQ LLC does not pro-rate for students who withdraw mid-month. Any make-up classes scheduled after the student's drop date will automatically be cancelled. Tuition Tuition is based on an average of four weeks per month. No additional charges will incur for those months with extra class days. Conversely credit will not be given for those months with less class days due to holidays. Please refer to our calendar of events for a complete list of holidays. Credit will not be given due to missed classes. Please see our absence policy. Siblings will receive a 10% discount. This applies to immediate family only (sisters or brothers). If there are two or more children enrolled, one child is full price and the discount is then applied to each additional child starting the first full month of enrollment. Administrative Charges Tuition is due before the first day of each month. Tuition received after the 5th of the month, will incur a $10.00 late fee. Bills are only sent to overdue accounts. Students will be automatically dropped from their classes if accounts become one month past due. Payment Options TumbleHQ LLC accepts cash, personal checks, VISA, MasterCard, and can set up automatic monthly credit card withdrawals. There is a $25 fee on all returned checks. No third party checks accepted. Absence Policy Credit will not be given due to missed classes, one make-up class per month can be scheduled through the TumbleHQ LLC front desk. Make-ups can be scheduled in advance in specific make-up classes or the week of the make-up in a same level class with openings. Make-ups once scheduled cannot be re-scheduled for any reason. Students must be currently enrolled to schedule make-ups. If a student misses class due to an injury and is under a doctor's care, please call the front desk to discuss options for holding your child's place in class without charge. However, we must have a doctor's note for your child to return to class. Tardy Policy Students more than 10 minutes late to class may be asked to reschedule the lesson. It can be both disruptive and dangerous for a child to enter class late and miss the warm-up activities. We agree to supervise your children during their scheduled class times, but we do not have the staffing to supervise your children outside of these scheduled times. Therefore, children who are dropped off more than 10 minutes before class or picked up more than 10 minutes after class will be charged a fee. This fee is $10 for the first 10 minutes and $1 for each minute after that. Attire It is recommended that girls wear a one-piece leotard. Fitted shorts or footless tights are accepted. Boys should wear a t-shirt and fitted shorts or sweat pants. Zippers, buckles, or buttons on the students' clothing should be avoided. Long hair needs to be secured back out of the student's face. No rings or other jewelry while in class. No shoes or socks on the gym floor. Clean, dry sneakers may be worn for cheer practices. All clothing must be appropriate for children (appropriate referring to style, slogans, and graphics). TumbleHQ LLC is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Safety Only registered students are allowed on the gymnastics floor. Children must be escorted into and out of the gym by an adult, and must be accompanied by a coach when on the gym floor. Students are not allowed to wait in the parking lot. Parents watch classes from the waiting areas, and are only allowed in the gym area when accompanying children enrolled in a Mom and Tots class, or during Birthday Parties. TumbleHQ LLC reserves the right to remove students from the gym area if they are deemed to be a danger to themselves or others, arising from disobedient, defiant or disrespectful behavior. Moving Up When your child is ready to advance, the coach will give you a "Move-Up Card". Bring this card to the front desk and the staff will help you to enroll in the next level. Please understand that if a space is not available in the next level at a convenient time, you may put your child's name on a waiting list. Your child is then encouraged to continue attending their current class until the office staff notifies you of an available space. Snacks No food, drinks, or gum are allowed on the gym floor. When eating in the waiting area, please help keep the area clean.


The COVID Release Tumble HQ LLC:

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. Possible methods of transfer include and may not be limited to; breath, respiratory droplets, physical contact, contact with surfaces. The COVID-19 Pandemic and all associated federal, state, and local directives and guidelines underscore the risks associated for persons out in public. This Release is subject to any federal, state or local directives and it is the responsibility of the undersigned to be aware of such directives and how such directives may affect you and your family. The undersigned understands that exposure to the disease-causing organisms and objects, such as COVID-19, and personal contact with others, including but not limited to Tumble HQ LLC employees, owners, participants, and other associated with our programming and daily business, involves a certain degree of risk that could result in illness, disability, or death. The undersigned acknowledges that it is impossible to screen and/or monitor all such individuals. The undersigned should seek the advice of an attorney on any legal question concerning COVID-19 and associated liability, or any other matters of concern. We are not legal experts, and therefore cannot provide advice in this area. After carefully considering all the potential risks involved, I hereby release Tumble HQ LLC and its officers, managers, employees, owners, agents, and volunteers from any and all liability for and waive any and all claims for injury, loss, or damage, including attorneys' fees, in any way connected with my participation in the activities within the Facilities (a "Claim"), whether or not caused in whole or in part by the negligence or other misconduct of Tumble HQ LLC or any of the individuals mentioned above. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify (in other words, to reimburse and to be responsible for) Tumble HQ LLC and its shareholders, officers, managers, employees, owners, agents, and volunteers from all claims for liability, injury, loss, damage, or expense, including attorneys' fees (including the cost of defending any Claim I might make, or that might be made on my behalf, that is released or waived by this instrument), in any way connected with or arising out of my participation in the activities within the Facilities. If the person participating in the activities at Tumble HQ LLC's Facilities is not yet 18 years old, a parent or the legal guardian must sign: In exchange for my child or ward being allowed to use the Tumble HQ LLC Facilities described above, and as the parent or legal guardian of the above-named individual, I verify that I fully understand, agree to, and accept all provisions of the RELEASE OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT.

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